Thursday, January 29, 2009

she willingly works with her hands.

i love the fact that this pertains to me.

i'm a crafter, a designer, and artist.  and i make a living at it with one sole purpose in mind.

read proverbs 31, ladies.  does it pertain to you?  i'm working really hard to make more than just the crafting/working part of the chapter refer to me.  i'm not married, so the wife part doesn't work-but i can try and be as prepared as possible for when that day comes.

my fashion design career is built around the fact i will some day be a wife and momma.  

what can you do to benefit your future husband and kiddies?  how can you use your talents to praise the LORD, help others, bring in some spare cash, and stay at home to make your family #1?

here's a book that has rocked my (even unmarried) world:  created to be his help meet by mrs. debi pearl.  you can learn more and purchase this life altering book at no greater joy.  it's intense, and you probably will be quite offended.  but debi's biblical, wise, and true teachings have saved literally thousands of marriages from falling into the hands of the devil.  there's no better time for us single girls to learn how to be a godly wife than before we mess up our marriages by dishonoring GOD! (and our future husbands.)
why would you do all this?  read the bible (and debi's book) and find out.  ladies, if we are married (or plan to be) i don't think this style of living is an option god gives us.  

may GOD bless you and keep you in your search for HIS plan for your life.

xoxo alexa

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